The heart of our coffee.

buliza estate


Buliza is located in Burega/Rulindo/Northern Province, just an hour from the capital Kigali.


Buliza coffee grows at an altitude of 1790 m above sea level

Estate Flavors 

Buliza estate coffee possesses characteristics of sweetness, jammy, citrus notes along with a fruity tasteference.

Cyebumba Estate


Cyebumba is located in KIVUMU/RUTSIRO/Western province,  at an altitude of 1,900 m above sea level.


Cyebumba coffee grows at an altitude of 1,900 m above sea level.

Estate Flavors

Cyebumba coffee possesses a definite flowery aroma; with a mixture of nutty, fruity and juicy flavours, and tends to have a balanced, smooth mouthfeel.

Shangi Estate


Shangi is located in Nyamasheke/Western Province Of Rwanda. This coffee grows at an altitude of 1786 m above sea level


Shangi coffee grows at an altitude of 1,786 m above sea level

Estate Flavors

Shangi arabica coffee possesses light malic acidity, sweet notes, with a mixture of fruity flavors, and a nutty aftertaste.

nkora Estate


Nkora is the largest and longest-running Coffee Washing Station in Rwanda, Nkora is located in MUSHONYI/RUTSIRO/Western Province 


 Nkora coffee grows at an altitude of 1,490- 1800 m above sea level.

Estate Flavours

Nkora coffee possesses characteristics of sweet honey, citric notes , smooth body, and a milk chocolate after taste.

kigeme Estate


Kigeme/Nyamagabe/Southern Province of Rwanda and grows at an altitude of 2070m


 Kigeme coffee grows at an altitude of 2,070 m above sea level.

Estate Flavors

Kigeme coffee possesses Apricot flavor and Spice notes, complex and definite fruity flavors and a lime finish.

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